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The Molinon Tour

Lo que tu viaje incluye

Información detallada del viaje

    With the Molinon Tour tickets, you have the opportunity to learn the secrets of the Molinón, the oldest football field of Spain first division game and place of Sporting Gijon. The Molinon Tour is a guided trip both Spanish and English, in which visitors can step on the playing field, see the trophy room, locker rooms, the press room, including areas not normally accessible to the fans or visitors. As a climax will visit the Museum of Real Sporting de Gijón where you can meet the history of the Molinón, the club and the great legends and protagonists of an era. If your team is Real Sporting de Gijon, choose the day of your visit and book your tickets for the Molinon Tour, will be a visit you will always remember.

  • Birthday parties and family and friends celebrations.
  • Firts Communion Celebration.
  • Private visits and Meetings & Events.
  • The Molinón Tour offer as well especial events and visits in its facilities.
  • Educational visits.
  • Birthday parties and family and friends celebrations.
  • Firts Communion Celebration.
  • Private visits and Meetings & Events.

Lo que tu viaje NO incluye

    Completar el formulario de control sanitario (gratuito, obligatorio para entrar en España)

Planificación de tu viaje

Hoteles previstos en este viaje

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