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Gijón is Green

panorma-de-asturias.jpg rio-piles-y-playa-san-lorenzo-gijon-bidtravel.jpg playa-de-san-lorenzo-bidtrael.jpg

Old paths and forgotten railroad tracks place the surroundings of Gijón at the forefront of the most special and misterious running tour.

Usuario Experto Jaime Opinión de nuestro experto

Lo que tu viaje incluye

Información detallada del viaje

    Old paths and forgotten railroad tracks place the surroundings of Gijón at the forefront of the most special and misterious running tour.

    Price includes:

  • 2 hours running tour with a professional coach (English speaking)
  • Important:

  • Coach will be responsible of setting the intensity of the exercise, always according to the physical fitness and health of the party.
  • The meeting point and starting point of all our tours is our Travel Agency (see our Contact Page)
  • Minimum size of group: 1 + coach
  • Maximum size of group: 10 + coach
  • Departure times:

  • Morning
    From Monday to Friday: 7 AM to 9 AM / 10 AM to 12 AM
    Weekends: 8.30 AM to 10.30 AM / 11 AM to 1 PM
  • Afternoons
    From Monday to Friday: 1 PM to 3 PM / 5 PM to 7 PM
    Weekends: 8.30 AM to 10.30 AM / 11 AM to 1 PM
  • Evenings
    From Monday to Friday: 8 PM to 10 PM

Lo que tu viaje NO incluye

  • Tour excludes gear, meals, drinks or any other service not mentioned as included.
  • Traslado de salida en el caso de reservar noche extra (se puede contratar aparte)

Planificación de tu viaje

Hoteles previstos en este viaje


La opinión de nuestros clientes, lo que más importa

¿Has hecho este viaje? Comparte tu experiencia